At the initial session, we will discuss what you would like to receive from therapy. I will then develop a treatment plan that we will review together to ensure our focus is on what will be the most helpful and important for you. Our treatment goals will evolve throughout treatment. I use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques, aspects of Acceptance Commitment Therapy, and Positive Psychology principles. For children, I also use components of modified play, art, and biblio- therapy as many children better communicate through these modalities.
For assessment services we will discuss the purpose of the evaluation and questions you’d like answered at the initial session. From this discussion, I will recommend the type of assessment that will be most beneficial for you. I specialize in assessments for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning Disorders, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, Intellectual Disability, Gifted and Talented, and Anxiety or Depressive Disorders across the lifespan.
I am a certified Sibshop facilitator. Sibshops are opportunities for brothers and sisters of children with special medical, mental health, and developmental needs to obtain peer support and education within a recreational context. Siblings will participate in various conversational and play based activities that allow them to discuss their life experience of being a sibling. Through these workshops children are able to learn of others experiences and realize they are not alone.
*Sibshop and Sibshops are service marks and trademarks owned by Donald J. Meyer on behalf of the Sibling Support Project.